SerierBought-the-Farm Mystery

Författare till serien: Ellen Riggs

19 Verk Popularitet 89,962 (30 Medlemmar) 111 Böcker 1 Recension 4.1


Dogcatcher in the Rye by Ellen Riggs 25 exemplar, 1 recension1
Dark Side of the Moo by Ellen Riggs 7 exemplar2
A Streak of Bad Cluck by Ellen Riggs 8 exemplar3
Till the Cat Lady Sings by Ellen Riggs 7 exemplar4
Alpaca Lies by Ellen Riggs 6 exemplar5
Twas the Bite Before Christmas by Ellen Riggs 5 exemplar6
Swine and Punishment by Ellen Riggs 5 exemplar7
The Cat and the Riddle by Ellen Riggs 1 exemplar7.5
Don't Rock the Goat by Ellen Riggs 5 exemplar8
Swan with the Wind by Ellen Riggs 5 exemplar9
How to Get a Neigh with Murder by Ellen Riggs 5 exemplar10
Tweet Revenge by Ellen Riggs 5 exemplar11
For Love or Bunny by Ellen Riggs 5 exemplar12
Between a Squawk and a Hard Place by Ellen Riggs 7 exemplar13
Double Dog Dare by Ellen Riggs 4 exemplar14
Deerly Departed by Ellen Riggs 4 exemplar15
Think Outside the Fox by Ellen Riggs 3 exemplar16
Mouse of Ill Repute by Ellen Riggs 3 exemplar17

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