The Henriad Plays

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The Henriad Plays

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sep 24, 2013, 11:21 pm

I just watched, last week, Richard II on PBS in The Hollow Crown series. I was blown away, not having paid much attention to the Histories before. I am really looking forward to the other 3 adaptations now - Henry IV I & 2 and Henry V. Jeremy Irons plays Henry IV.

Anyone else watch it? It aired in the UK on BBC2 as part of the Cultural Olympiad in 2012. Ben Whishaw, who I did not see as Richard II, but who totally won me over, won a BAFTA for Best Lead. Lots of other great stage actors too - Patrick Stewart, David Suchet, Rory Kinnear....

Thoughts on Richard II, Henry IV and Henry V? Shall we discuss?

My review here, with trailer video and some memorable quotes:

sep 25, 2013, 4:28 am

Yes, I watched them last year and thought they were excellent, especially whoever it was that played Harry in Henry IV. You've a treat in store! Enjoy the BBC while we have it!

sep 25, 2013, 4:31 am

sep 25, 2013, 10:52 am

Thanks, Chris. Excuse my lack of knowing, but what do you mean "enjoy the BBC while we have it"? What's going on?

sep 26, 2013, 5:55 am

Well, I think the BBC is an excellent resource, but it is under constant pressure from those who would like to see it cut back, scrapped or privatised. So, like many of our shared resources, it may not be there forever.

sep 26, 2013, 10:47 am

Ah, I see. The age-old debate around public television. It would be a terrible thing if they made the kinds of changes you mention. Let's hope not. Thanks.