If you love the old covers, here's a great place to do research

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If you love the old covers, here's a great place to do research

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sep 7, 2018, 12:50 pm

It's true. I'm incapable of three word Subjects. Today, I was doing a bit of cleanup on one of the Illustrator/Cover Artists from long ago, and found a site devoted to the old days. It's filled with an amazing wealth of detail about the artists, and I'm probably the last to know about it. I spent a while looking at it, and then decided that I ought to share it.


I'd been looking for information on Ed Valigursky, an illustrator from the Golden Age of pulps, and ISFDB pointed to Pulp Artists. The site is a labor of love, and an homage to all those that made us want to pick up yet another paperback from the bookstore.

sep 7, 2018, 2:54 pm

Worth pointing out the site is not only SF pulp but all genres, e.g. crime and horror and fantasy illustrations are as well documented as the SF stuff.

I haven't visited that site but strongly suspect I've been seeing the work done there on other sites borrowing from it.

sep 7, 2018, 4:03 pm


Is a great resource for covers of older books.

dec 18, 2018, 3:24 pm

#1, #3. Interesting sites, thanks.

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