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Melissa Caruso

Författare till The Tethered Mage

10+ verk 1,174 medlemmar 49 recensioner

Om författaren

Inkluderar namnet: Melissa Caruso (author)


Verk av Melissa Caruso

The Tethered Mage (2017) 495 exemplar, 23 recensioner
The Obsidian Tower (2020) 282 exemplar, 10 recensioner
The Defiant Heir (2018) 133 exemplar, 6 recensioner
The Unbound Empire (2019) 120 exemplar, 6 recensioner
The Quicksilver Court (2021) 77 exemplar, 2 recensioner
The Ivory Tomb (2022) 52 exemplar, 2 recensioner
Les faucons de Raverra (2021) 3 exemplar
Cellar bones 1 exemplar

Associerade verk

DON'T TOUCH THAT!: A Sci-Fi and Fantasy Parenting Anthology (2022) — Bidragsgivare — 21 exemplar


Allmänna fakta



Surprisingly good story, will definitely read the other two books in the series
corliss12000 | 22 andra recensioner | Mar 16, 2024 |
Recommended: yes
For an introduction to a promising new fantasy series, for political scheming and world-threatening dangers to your heart’s content, for elaborate growth of the main character built steadily throughout

Points for unexpected plot twists, that felt believable and acceptable. None of this plot twist where it’s too outrageous or feels like an excuse (“It was all a dream!”). I’m a little bloodthirsty so maybe I wanted something different in some cases, but I still enjoyed it. All the elements I had hoped for re: the world of darkness were satisfied and more is promised. Now the challenge is waiting for the next book to release next year.

This is a fairly hefty book, in length and content. It has a pretty slow start, with a lot of setup for the kingdoms in the world, the cultures and clashes between them, and a whole lot of political negotiation complicated by mysterious deadly artifacts. Most of the action happens in the latter half of the book. Don’t expect to rush through this; it’s best to sit down ready to learn about the world.

She just knows that sometimes you have to destroy in order to protect.

Since this is also the first book in a series, a lot of the exposition is out of the way here. I expect to walk into book two with a solid understanding of the world, characters, motivation, and very dramatic problems they’re all trying to resolve. I do hope for more of a balance in the next book between active adventure and conflict, and the scheming cultural politics.

The beginning is filled with characters I (rightfully) loathed. They seem to have no redeeming characteristics and exist more as a foil to Ryx and to see what she’s had to deal with all these years. They largely felt like black-and-white personalities with no shades of gray. This is the mean aunt, this is the brash cousin, and so on. The core group that you see more of in the latter half are more developed and far more likable and interesting. I want to get to know them more!

And, of course, the magic. I love the different ways the kingdoms handle magic. In Vaskandar, mage bloodlines control states and help their cities with their magic (ex. helping with a harvest, creating chimeras for battle, etc). But the Serene Empire seeks balance in status, so mages are cuffed and their ability to use magic tied to a non-magical person. The kinds of magic, the realms of thought around it, and the debates about equality, freedom, and security resound back into current societal issues.

Also FYI for representation: this is a great example of how characters can have traits that are part of them but aren’t the only thing that defines them. Bisexual, asexual, non-binary: someone can feel any of these things and still have exciting adventures and other character traits!!! Books that investigate the experience are important as well, but I do so love when an adventure story just includes elements like this without characters batting an eye. Total acceptance to the point of it registering as a fact like “their eyes are brown.” ♥

Thanks to Orbit and NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review!
… (mer)
Jenniferforjoy | 9 andra recensioner | Jan 29, 2024 |
Enjoyable end to series but I didn't like it quite as much as The Tethered Mage series.
There are some great characters - Ryx, Severin, demon grandmother! and the plot came together at the end very satisfyingly. The world that this is set in is creative and interesting but I found the side characters a little lacking. The Rookery felt as if it could have been an amazing set of characters but somehow didn't quite get there for me. But if you like traditional fantasy with magic and demons and politics and not too many battles, you'll probably enjoy this.… (mer)
infjsarah | 1 annan recension | May 29, 2023 |
Enjoyable second book. Didn't spot the twist and it gave the novel some oomph.
infjsarah | 1 annan recension | May 13, 2023 |



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Ben Crystal Cover artist
Lisa Marie Pompilio Cover designer


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