Jeffrey Lord (särskiljning)

"Jeffrey Lord" består av minst 2 distinkta författare, uppdelade efter vad de skrivit.

Om författaren


Jeffrey Lord (1)

The Bronze Axe (1969) 140 exemplar
Slave of Sarma (1970) 104 exemplar
The Jade Warrior (1969) 103 exemplar
Liberator of Jedd (1971) 95 exemplar
Kingdom of Royth (1974) 95 exemplar
Okända faror (1976) 95 exemplar
Pearl of Patmos (1973) 94 exemplar
Flammande svärd (1975) 92 exemplar
Monster of the Maze (1972) 90 exemplar
Undying World (1973) 89 exemplar
Ice Dragon (1974) 87 exemplar
Empire of Blood (1977) 87 exemplar
En grym värld (1976) 86 exemplar
The temples of Ayocan (1975) 84 exemplar
Treasure of the Stars (1978) 83 exemplar
The Forests of Gleor (1976) 82 exemplar
The Dragons of Englor (1977) 82 exemplar
Looters of Tharn (1755) 82 exemplar
Wizard of Rentoro (1978) 81 exemplar
Dimension of Horror (1979) 81 exemplar
Gladiators of Hapanu (1979) 81 exemplar
Warlords of Gaikon (1976) 80 exemplar
City of the Living Dead (1978) 79 exemplar
King of Zunga (1975) 79 exemplar
Dimension of Dreams (1974) 78 exemplar
Guardians of the Coral Throne (1976) 78 exemplar
The Torian Pearls (1977) 77 exemplar
The Lords of the Crimson River (1975) 76 exemplar
Master of the Hashomi (1978) 74 exemplar
The Towers of Melnon (1975) 73 exemplar
Ruins of Kaldac (1981) 72 exemplar
Return to Kaldak (1983) 70 exemplar
The Crystal Seas (1975) 66 exemplar
Warriors of Latan (1984) 65 exemplar
Jeb (1973) 3 exemplar
Les maîtres du hasard (2001) 2 exemplar
La Favorite d'Alderan (1995) 1 exemplar
864 âmes plus une (2009) 1 exemplar
Le saboteur d'Harmonie (2009) 1 exemplar

Jeffrey Lord (okänd)

Drolement retro 3 exemplar
Le grand maître de vie (1988) 1 exemplar
Les reveurs de xura (1989) 1 exemplar
La tour des deux sagesses (1989) 1 exemplar
Mers de cristal 1 exemplar
Le traitre du jehol (1987) 1 exemplar
Sage de geronya 1 exemplar
L'Oiseau de paix 1 exemplar
Le Complot des Sin'kas (1987) 1 exemplar
L'immortel de pangea (1993) 1 exemplar
La horde noire 1 exemplar
Bronze Ax, The 1 exemplar
Jewel of Tharn 1 exemplar
Das goldene ross 1 exemplar
Blade n° 45 (1985) 1 exemplar
Slave of Sarma 1 exemplar
Lords of Giakon 1 exemplar
Golden Steed, The 1 exemplar
Liberator of Jedd 1 exemplar
Undying World 1 exemplar
Ice Dragon 1 exemplar
Towers of Melnon 1 exemplar
Crystal Seas, The 1 exemplar
Looters of Tharn 1 exemplar
Forests of Gleor 1 exemplar
Wizard of Rentoro 1 exemplar

Allmänna fakta

1. This is the publishing house name for the Richard Blade series of sword and sorcery titles. Please don't combine this author page with any of the individual author pages for the many writers who wrote for the series. Thanks.
2. Jeffrey Lord - The Borking Rebellion