ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for Music Writing
Utdelare: American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP)
352 verk 38,912 böcker 579 recensioner 3.9
The ASCAP Deems Taylor Awards program recognizes books, articles, broadcasts and websites on the subject of music selected for their excellence. The Awards were established in 1967 to honor the visa mer memory of composer/critic/commentator Deems Taylor who died in 1966 after a distinguished career that included six years as President of ASCAP.
Renamed the ASCAP Deems Taylor/Virgil Thompson Awards in 2014. visa färre
Renamed the ASCAP Deems Taylor/Virgil Thompson Awards in 2014. visa färre
Medlemmar med flest
J.woof (60 verk), mandojoe (50), bay1904 (49), TriMosaic (49), Biomusicologist (45), RayAstbury (42), lipi (40), alo1224 (39), aabdelrahmanm (38), bfodavid (37), mffowler (37), AudBri (36), buddscenter (34), Adolf_Ledesma (30), ameen2 (30), EdwardFaine (29), Houhoulis (29), helmutbooks (28), robdeland (28), Jimbookbuff1963 (27), OCCMRC (27), timothy17 (27), JosephHilton (26), grunin (25), pjbishop (25), chuck_ralston (24), comstockhouse (24), fullbound (24), IzzyYoungLibrary (24), lolitaguy (23), SoschaF (23), augustgarage (22), catmeyoo (22), CCMCollege (22), dylanflesch (22), HalloweenWashington (22), rob.haskins (22), Musecologist (21), pleigh20 (21), rrblocker (21), rwmsn (21), antipyrine (20), AsYouKnow_Bob (20), Cambot (20), DarcyRogersMazel (20), Eshbach (20), FitzFamily (20), Jgboucher (20), kkpres (20), oldjudah (20), punto50 (20), stufred7 (20), AustinBlake57 (19), BellyandKill (19), Chale (19), charlescott (19), ejriser513 (19), Emckenn (19), levibranson (19), waltzmn (19), briteness (18), rebcamuse (18), ruckusjuice (18), bookmountain (17), folkmatth (17), kpleonard (17), oook (17), PatrickSwanson (17), Pitoucat (17), pwarfield (17), RLNunezKPL (17), SteveSullivan (17), sunking47 (17), thf4 (17), aeshelle (16), bryanryan (16), domgabfil (16), eddielin (16), eswnr (16), lansingsexton (16), pettersson6 (16), Ross_Collection (16), squealermusic (16), -casaubon (15), bobmonk (15), bobopera (15), dmtmusic (15), featherbear (15), HotSalsa (15), kickstarter (15), Al_Ennis (14), AMAbrams (14), bombaylychee (14), harri3tspy (14), Jamie638 (14), jazzleeds (14), kbuchanan (14), KrisR (14), lycanthropist (14), namfos (14), RiverLaneLibrary (14), sjnorquist (14), smiturn (14), Steve_Walker (14), tvbona (14), vdebes (14), vivace1030 (14), agmlll (13), alanteder (13), BenBookHoarder (13), BluesUrbano (13), Diabolical_DrZ (13), dwidwldw (13), Echnaton (13), eromsted (13), Gmmmm (13), jwhenderson (13), KDmathews (13), MusicforMovies (13), octavianflavius (13), paradachs (13), SLRicker (13), wlander (13), antimuzak (12), archimedes234 (12), benitastrnad (12), Brazen (12), e-zReader (12), Eramirez156 (12), erikdavidkov (12), IowaBibliotheque (12), jgallatin (12), JonPennington (12), liquidgiraffe (12), LTS_Music (12), mhelfert (12), Miles10 (12), MMcM (12), MusicBizGuy (12), northgardner (12), piano3646 (12), sjmckee (12), spencerrich (12), adamblarson (11), Andural (11), chickentrain (11), hrebml (11), lferguso (11), MARizzo72 (11), PatBC29 (11), rkcauthen (11), rmfischer (11), robertdavies (11), smerus (11)
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