James Tait Black Memorial PrizeBiography
Utdelare: University of Edinburgh
Andra namn: James Tait Black Memorial Prize shortlist (engelska), James Tait Black Prize Shortlist (engelska)
195 verk / 197 objekt 0 böcker
Established in 1919, The James Tait Black Memorial Prizes are Britain's oldest literary awards.
The prizes are awarded annually by the University of Edinburgh for the best work of fiction and the visa mer best biography published in the previous year.
They are the only awards of their kind to be presented by a university and have acquired an international reputation for recognising excellence in biography and fiction that continues today.
The prizes were founded by Mrs Janet Coutts Black in memory of her late husband, James Tait Black, a partner in the publishing house of A & C Black Ltd. The winners are chosen by the Professor of English Literature at the University, who is assisted by PhD students in the shortlisting phase, a structure which is seen to lend the prizes a considerable gravitas. visa färre
The prizes are awarded annually by the University of Edinburgh for the best work of fiction and the visa mer best biography published in the previous year.
They are the only awards of their kind to be presented by a university and have acquired an international reputation for recognising excellence in biography and fiction that continues today.
The prizes were founded by Mrs Janet Coutts Black in memory of her late husband, James Tait Black, a partner in the publishing house of A & C Black Ltd. The winners are chosen by the Professor of English Literature at the University, who is assisted by PhD students in the shortlisting phase, a structure which is seen to lend the prizes a considerable gravitas. visa färre
Winner 106
Shortlist 91
Medlemmar med flest
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