Post Grads at New College (Edinburgh)


< 10

Karakteristiska verk

A Moral Climate: The Ethics of Global Warming av Michael S. Northcott (6), The Environment and Christian Ethics av Michael S. Northcott (5), Wilderness Wanderings: Probing Twentieth-Century Theology and Philosophy (Radical Traditions, Theology in a Post-Critica av Stanley Hauerwas (4), Performing the Faith: Bonhoeffer and the Practice of Nonviolence av Stanley Hauerwas (4), Political Worship: Ethics for Christian Citizens av Bernd Wannenwetsch (3), Liv i församlingen : att vara ett hoppfullt tecken i världen av John Howard Yoder (4), God in Creation (The Gifford Lectures, 1984-1985) av Jürgen Moltmann (4), After Our Likeness: The Church As the Image of the Trinity (Sacra Doctrina) av Miroslav Volf (4), Becoming and Being: The Doctrine of God in Charles Harshorne and Karl Barth av Colin E. Gunton (3), Ethics av Karl Barth (3), The Hauerwas Reader av Stanley Hauerwas (4), The Word Made Strange: Theology, Language, Culture av John Milbank (3), The Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited (Radical Traditions) av John Howard Yoder (3), In Good Company: The Church as Polis av Stanley Hauerwas (3), God, Truth, and Witness: Engaging Stanley Hauerwas av L. Gregory Jones (3), Against the Nations: War and Survival in a Liberal Society av Stanley Hauerwas (3), The Ways Of Judgment: The Bampton Lectures, 2003 (Bampton Lectures) av Oliver O'Donovan (3), Det fredliga riket av Stanley Hauerwas (4), Creation and Fall Temptation: Two Biblical Studies av Dietrich Bonhoeffer (4), The Politics of Jesus av John Howard Yoder (5), Theopolitical Imagination av William T. Cavanaugh (3), After Writing: On the Liturgical Cosummation of Philosophy av Catherine Pickstock (3), Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation av Miroslav Volf (4), The Epistle to the Romans av Karl Barth (4), The Triune Creator : A Historical and Systematic Study av Colin E. Gunton (3)

Vanligaste verk

Exclusion and Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation av Miroslav Volf (4), A Moral Climate: The Ethics of Global Warming av Michael S. Northcott (4), The Politics of Jesus av John Howard Yoder (4), Liv i församlingen : att vara ett hoppfullt tecken i världen av John Howard Yoder (4), The Environment and Christian Ethics av Michael S. Northcott (3), Det fredliga riket av Stanley Hauerwas (3), Jesus and the Victory of God av N. T. Wright (3), Liv i gemenskap av Dietrich Bonhoeffer (3), The Doors of the Sea: Where Was God in the Tsunami? av David Bentley Hart (3), The Crucified God: The Cross of Christ as the Foundation and Criticism of Christian Theology av Jürgen Moltmann (3), Treenigheten och Guds rike av Jürgen Moltmann (3), With the Grain of the Universe: The Church's Witness and Natural Theology av Stanley Hauerwas (3), A Community of Character: Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic av Stanley Hauerwas (3), Becoming and Being: The Doctrine of God in Charles Harshorne and Karl Barth av Colin E. Gunton (3), After Our Likeness: The Church As the Image of the Trinity (Sacra Doctrina) av Miroslav Volf (3), Theology for the Community of God av Stanley J. Grenz (3), The Hauerwas Reader av Stanley Hauerwas (3), Ethics av Dietrich Bonhoeffer (3), After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory av Alasdair MacIntyre (3), Bekännelser av Saint Augustine (3), Wilderness Wanderings: Probing Twentieth-Century Theology and Philosophy (Radical Traditions, Theology in a Post-Critica av Stanley Hauerwas (3), God in Creation (The Gifford Lectures, 1984-1985) av Jürgen Moltmann (3), De vetenskapliga revolutionernas struktur av Thomas S. Kuhn (2), The Four Loves av C. S. Lewis (2), Illuminations: Essays and Reflections av Walter Benjamin (2)