FörlagsserieWriters and Critics

Arthur Miller by Dennis Welland 10 exemplar
Auden (Writers and Critics) by Barbara Everett 4 exemplar
Beckett by Richard N. Coe 17 exemplar
Brecht by Ronald Gray 21 exemplar
Edgar Allan Poe (Writers and Critics) by Geoffrey Rans 2 exemplar
Ezra Pound by George Sutherland Fraser 29 exemplar001
Frost by Elizabeth Jennings 4 exemplar
George Eliot by Alexander Viner 11 exemplar
Gide by G.W. Ireland 5 exemplar
Graham Greene by David Pryce-Jones 11 exemplar
H.G. Wells by Patrick Parrinder 37 exemplar
Hardy by George Douglas Wing 7 exemplar
Ibsen by G. Wilson Knight 7 exemplar
Kipling by T. R. Henn 5 exemplar
Laforgue by Michael Collie 2 exemplar
Mauriac by Cecil Jenkins 5 exemplar
O'Neill (Writers & Critics S) by Clifford Leech 8 exemplar
Orwell by Edward M Thomas 7 exemplar
Pope (Writers and Critics) by Elizabeth Gurr 2 exemplar
Saul Bellow by Tony Tanner 3 exemplar
T. S. Eliot by Northrop Frye 63 exemplar
Twain by Douglas Grant 2 exemplar
Virginia Woolf by A.D. Moody 11 exemplar
Yeats by Peter Ure 7 exemplar
Henry James by D. W. Jefferson 16 exemplar002
Robert Graves by J. M. Cohen 14 exemplar003
Wallace Stevens by Frank Kermode 40 exemplar, 1 recension004
Ionesco (Writers & Critics S) by Richard N. Coe 4 exemplar005
William Faulkner by Michael Millgate 44 exemplar006
Hemingway by Stewart Sanderson 15 exemplar007
D. H. Lawrence by Anthony Beal 18 exemplar010
Walt Whitman by Geoffrey Dutton 10 exemplar012
Sartre by Maurice Cranston 15 exemplar015
Joyce by S. L. Goldberg 24 exemplar019
Dylan Thomas by T.H. Jones 15 exemplar023
Camus by Adele King 27 exemplar033
F. Scott Fitzgerald by K. G. W. Cross 17 exemplar038
Kafka by Charles Osborne 9 exemplar054
Patrick White (Writers and critics series) by Barry Argyle 6 exemplar055
Montherlant by John Cruickshank 3 exemplar041

