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- Moln
- Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
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- Gått med
- Jul 17, 2013
- Riktigt namn
- Asia Art Archive in America
- Om mitt bibliotek
- AAA in A houses a non-circulating reading room with over a thousand titles, including monographs, exhibition catalogues, references, periodicals, audio-visuals, and leaflets. The reading room is open by appointment, Monday through Friday, 10:30am-6:30pm. Wi-Fi and photocopier available.
- Om mig
- Asia Art Archive in America (AAA-A) is an independently established and operated U.S. 501(c)3 and the first overseas mini hub of Asia Art Archive (AAA) in Hong Kong. AAA-A's mission is to collect, preserve and make information on contemporary art from and of Asia easily accessible in order to facilitate understanding, research and writing in the field. It strives to be pro-active in instigating dialogue and critical thinking through a regular initiation of educational programs, and hopes to raise awareness of and support for the activities of Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong.
- Vistelseort
- 43 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201
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