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- Gått med
- Aug 26, 2011
- Om mitt bibliotek
- Omnivorous reader. My books reflect my jackdaw tendencies to read almost anything once. About a third of my collection is listed and I need to finish when I'm not writing another book of stories. Most of my books that I keep tend to be myth, pagan or Celtic in origin. The cozy mysteries and popcorn equivalents are donated to my local public library.
I think my favourite book of all time if a double Gemini can pick one, is the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit which I try to read once a year. - Om mig
- I'm an author of children's stories.
- Vistelseort
- Valley Village, CA
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- Favoritförfattare
- Barbara Ardinger, Richard Armour, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Rita Mae Brown, Jim Butcher, Lindsey Davis, Lynn Flewelling, Selena Fox, Lauren Haney, Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, Patrick M. McCollum, Patrick O'Brian, Tamora Pierce, Lynda S. Robinson, M. R. Sellars, Dell Shannon, J. R. R. Tolkien, David Weber
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