
to-read (3,132), cozy-mystery (414), fantasy (281), urban-fantasy (217), pagan (163), currently-reading (128), mystery (125), historical-mystery (120), witchy-not-pagan (98), procedural-mystery (70), science-fiction (68), fiction (65), children (62), humour (22), nature-biography (17), philosophy (16), non-fiction (13), murder mystery (12), gay-lesbian-fiction (11), historical-adventure (10), Rome (9), historical mystery (9), food-mystery (8), history (8), biography (8), place-specific-mysteries (8), wicca (6), ra (6), cards (6), divination (6), celtic (5), holidays (4), goddesses (4), goddess (4), Pagan (3), tarot (3), dragons (3), spirituality (3), bedtime stories (3), biographical-fiction (2), plant-mysteries (2), bible (2), oracle (2), scottish (2), lesbian (2), plants (2), craft-mystery (2), wiccan (2), witchcraft (2), gardening (2), ebook (2), gardner (1), nature (1), tolkien (1), mythology (1), us constitution (1), Ancient Egypt (1), US history (1), Lord of the Rings (1), Jane Austen (1), annuals (1), Wiccan (1), folklore (1), pagan community (1), Norse (1), chesca potter (1), anthropology (1), readathon-day-2015 (1), lord of the rings (1), mary magdalene (1), women (1), humor (1), family (1), ya (1), gods (1), star wars (1), napoleonic (1), yule (1), meditations (1), prayers (1), Scottish history (1), Celtic (1), Tarot (1), feminist spirituality (1), blessings (1), butch (1), herbal (1), tarot deck (1), rune (1), devotional (1), dianic (1), deck (1), design (1), linguistics (1), card deck (1), religious freedom (1), runes (1), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1), wizard of oz (1), napoleon (1), norse (1), lotr (1), etiquette (1), gospels (1)
Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
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Aug 26, 2011
Om mitt bibliotek
Omnivorous reader. My books reflect my jackdaw tendencies to read almost anything once. About a third of my collection is listed and I need to finish when I'm not writing another book of stories. Most of my books that I keep tend to be myth, pagan or Celtic in origin. The cozy mysteries and popcorn equivalents are donated to my local public library.
I think my favourite book of all time if a double Gemini can pick one, is the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Hobbit which I try to read once a year.

Om mig
I'm an author of children's stories.
Valley Village, CA
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