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Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
Gått med
Apr 15, 2006
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My Reading Preferences:
I like both fiction and non-fiction. I prefer English translations of foreign (especially contemporary Japanese) novels and books by lesser known authors.

My Wishlist on BookMooch: where I can try to actually find some of these books.

Thanks for stopping by!

Notable Quote:
“...perhaps at dark moments of their lives people need to remember the good times, as if their lives had been drenched in sunlight. Perhaps that is a good thing.” (S. by Slavenka Drakulic)

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Om mig
Introduction To Me:

I'm LT User #34,867. :)

Want to know what I'm doing? You can usually find me adding books to my Little Free Library, attending BookCrossing or LibraryThing Meet-Ups, baking, drinking coffee or eating chocolate, reading, or thinking up new TIOLI challenges.

In the past, I have been called "the Johnny Appleseed of books". :)
Rockville, Maryland
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Boklådor: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Ellicott City, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Rockville Pike, Book Bank, Emerald Isle Books & Toys, Friends of the Library Bookstore - Rockville, MD, Second Story Books - Rockville, MD, The Book Thing of Baltimore, Inc., The Write Bookshop

Bibliotek: Rockville Library - Montgomery County Public Libraries (MD), Twinbrook Library - Montgomery County Public Libraries (MD)

Övriga: Kensington Day of the Book Festival, National Book Festival, LibraryThing H.Q., BC in DC - Bookcrossers of MD/DC/VA, Gaithersburg Book Festival - 2011, Kensington International Day of the Book Festival - 2013

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