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- Taggmoln, Författarmoln
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- 75 Books Challenge for 2009, 75 Books Challenge for 2010, 75 Books Challenge for 2011, 75 Books Challenge for 2012, 75 Books Challenge for 2013, 75 Books Challenge for 2014, 75 Books Challenge for 2015, 75 Books Challenge for 2016, 75 Books Challenge for 2017, 75 Books Challenge for 2018, 75 Books Challenge for 2019, 75 Books Challenge for 2020, 75 Books Challenge for 2021, 75 Books Challenge for 2022, 75 Books Challenge for 2023, 75 Books Challenge for 2024, All Things Discworldian - The Guild of Pratchett Fans, Awful Lit., Barker's Minions, Bug Collectors, Combiners!, Fans of Russian authors, Flaggers!, Name that Book, Science Fiction Fans, Spam Fighters!, The Diogenes Club, The Green Dragon
- Gått med
- Mar 29, 2008
- Riktigt namn
- Amanda
- Om mig
- What Fantasy Archetype are you? Your Result: The Prime Evil
Black and vile to the core, you are the enemy of all that stands for the good of the world. You are power-hungry, ambitious, selfish and utterly reprehensible... but somehow you spin it off with a flair and style that makes you horrifically fascinating.
The Hero The Damsel in Distress The Mentor The Hapless Extra What Fantasy Archetype are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz - Webbplats
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- Favoritförfattare
- Clive Barker, Poppy Z. Brite, Jim Butcher, Octavia E. Butler, Samuel R. Delany, Jasper Fforde, E. M. Forster, George MacDonald Fraser, Neil Gaiman, Ernest Hemingway, Diana Wynne Jones, Richard Kadrey, Laurie R. King, Colleen McCullough, Yukio Mishima, Nancy Mitford, Christopher Moore, Terry Pratchett, Rosemary Sutcliff, Kurt Vonnegut, Evelyn Waugh, Tennessee Williams, P. G. Wodehouse
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Bibliotek: Miskatonic University Library
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