- Böcker
- 52
- Samlingar
- Ditt bibliotek (52)
- Taggar
- Fiction (4), Biography (3), Non-Fiction (2), Music (2), Nobel Prize (2), Psychology (1), Cinema (1), Bonniers (1), Månpocket (1)
- Moln
- Taggmoln, Författarmoln, Taggspegel
- Medium
- Gått med
- Jan 21, 2018
- Om mitt bibliotek
- I read anything except most thrillers.
- Om mig
- Frank Zappa said that "Music is the best!" and I agree with that but literature is great as well!
I'm a music nerd to the death with an almost equal passion for the written word! I guess my record and book collections could be considered significant but I listen to every record and want to read every page of every book.
I'm very passionate about movies as well and have a rather big collection of DVDs. When a novel is adapted to the movie screen I prefer to watch the movie before reading the book in order to prevent major disappointment.
In school, when the subject was literature my regular contribution often was "oh I own a copy of that book but I have not read it yet!" Some other students thought my place of residence was the library. However I kept forgetting to return the books and therefore, since almost 20 years, I've been a frequent customer at book stores and second hand-shops.
I am European but if a novel was originally published in English I try to find a copy since translations sometimes can be quite horrid. - Vistelseort
- Earth
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