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DiskuteraAntiquarian Travel Memoirs

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Redigerat: nov 19, 2010, 3:41 pm

I will blame this on the Folio Society group, but I've recently started collecting books by the Lakeside Press. These were gift books printed by the R.R. Donnelly company given out at Christmas time to their customers and other business connections. They have done this for nearly 100 years, and although not hard to find, the older ones do get expensive. Typically they are early American and western travelogues, adventures and memoirs. Is anyone else familiar with this series? Typical titles are Buckskin and Blanket Days, Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians, We Pointed them North: Recollections of a Cowpuncher and Hell Among the Yearlings.

mar 7, 2017, 9:21 am

Detta meddelande har blivit flaggat av flera användare och visas inte längre (visa)
Try White Lotus books in Thailand for collectibles covering SE Asia.