Edward R. Hamilton - Catalog of December 10, 2010

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Edward R. Hamilton - Catalog of December 10, 2010

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Redigerat: dec 14, 2010, 12:02 pm

I just received the "Military History Bargain Books" catalog from Edward R. Hamilton Bookseller.

The catalog is dated December 10, 2010, and features over seventy-five pages of military history titles.

I always find a title or two in the Edward R. Hamilton catalogs. My recent find: England's Last War Against France by Colin Smith.

You can request a copy via the company's website at www.edwardrhamilton.com.

So many books ... so little time.

jan 24, 2011, 10:12 pm

ERH has interesting specialty and general catalogs. However, I found their hidden secret is that their catalogs are just the tip of the iceberg. I maintain a book wishlist. One time while developing an ERH online order form, I randomly entered several titles beyond their catalog in their search from my wishtlist and was quite surprised to find they carried various titled I have been looking for. Even more interesting is that books they did not carry one week, they carried the next. Only catch is watch out. I have found a couple books cheaper (new) at Amazon or locally at our Powell's (in Portland, OR).

My wife and I regularly scour their catalogs and web site. Ahh.. the thrill of the hunt!

jan 31, 2011, 7:56 pm

Some time ago, I too discovered that the actual inventory of ERH was actually larger than the books in their printed catalog.

Thanks for the information.

My wife reads through cooking catalogs - my preference is to go through the ERH catalog.

feb 7, 2017, 9:13 am

I used to get their catalogs, but haven't seen one in a while. I know this is an old thread, but maybe they've gone digital. I'll check out their site.