DFWs Syllabus at Pomona College

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DFWs Syllabus at Pomona College

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Redigerat: feb 13, 2011, 12:26 pm


I'm sure this syllabus from '05 has been posted before ... somewhere ... but I felt the impulse to give it its own thread after reading an excellent piece in the L.A. Times this morning on Jonathem Lethem -- http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy/ -- who replaced DFW late last year as the Claremont Colleges "Roy Edward Disney '51 Professor of Creative Writing".

I'd love to see any other syllabus' of his that may exist out there. Very cool to see his students post them on their blogs for us to peruse.

I'm fascinated by discovering more of what he taught and read.

feb 13, 2011, 3:50 pm

Interesting. Wish I could've been a student. Glad he started with Larkin. I was going to guess "A Study in Reading Habits" but some of the posts on the thread suggest otherwise. The "Caveat" page is very good.