speaking of dog beds

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speaking of dog beds

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mar 14, 2011, 3:14 pm

I had to laugh reading the stories of doggie beds. We found a bed that the dogs & cats race to get into first. Often it has more than one occupant! It washes great too!

we make it warmer-Ben suckles right before dozing off.

Forget modesty

Needless to say it's comfy.

mar 14, 2011, 6:03 pm

Oh Bons, What a life!!!

mar 14, 2011, 6:04 pm

That's a great bed and a happy dog!

Redigerat: mar 15, 2011, 6:50 am

Hah - Ben is a sensational model as always! What a great bed.

I'll have to try and get a photo to post of a bed my friend just bought for her dog. He is an 8 month old bichon frise / maltese (we all say he's part polar bear - he has the most glorious coat) ... anyhow, the bed is a miniature chaise longe (spelling????). Something only a little dog could get away with.

Redigerat: mar 18, 2011, 5:40 pm

I was telling you all I got Ralphy a new bed for his birthday and I thought I ordered a size too large.

Trying out Ralphy's new bed

Ralphy gets a shot in his new birthday bed

Ralphy's birthday card

mar 18, 2011, 10:53 pm

Haha look at Ralphy's face in the first pic. "um, excuse me, don't you have your own bed"? Cute

Love the card too. You didn't happen to do that did you?

mar 19, 2011, 12:31 am

I thought Ralphy was thinking, oh goody she's got a new bed now I can have hers all to myself!!!

mar 19, 2011, 5:41 am

#6 Unfortunately not, no talent in that department. My dad sent the card - I love it. I think I might get i framed.
#7 That's it exactly, in fact he is currently admiring his new bed from the comfort of the sofa. He's draped over a cushion like he's Madame Bovary.

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