Selling some of my cookbook collection


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Selling some of my cookbook collection

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mar 25, 2011, 4:05 pm

I decided recently to start getting rid of some of my cookbooks. If anyone is interested in getting some new "Old" cookbooks, please check out my books. They are listed at:

I have one that I'm selling that is from 1949 called Bohemian-American Cooking by Marie Rosicky.This cookbook is an English translation of the National Home Cook Book by Marie Rosicky & was first published in 1915.
Recipes are titled in both English and Bohemian.
Rose Rosicky, daughter of the author, translated the book.
From Czech into English she translated her mother's cook book (Bohemian-American Cook Book) and stories by the following leading Czech writers: Karel V. Rais, Gabriela Preissova, Ruzena Svobodova and Bozena Vikova-Kuneticka. She also compiled several handbooks for farmers and the home.

I have some others that are from the Maco Magazine Company and some old Time-Life "Foods of the World" books from a set of 27. I just figured if anyone was interested I would list a link here so the people who APPRECIATE the history and get enjoyment from collecting them would have a chance to look at them first. Happy Cooking! :)