World Market Bookcase

DiskuteraBookcases: If You Build/Buy Them, They Will Fill

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World Market Bookcase

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Redigerat: apr 8, 2011, 2:21 am

Has anyone given this thing a go? I saw it last night in the store, and it looks pretty damn sturdy...and huge, for the price. The 'look' is a little contemporary for me, but it's relatively cheap and looks, like I said, sturdy enough. The shelves are too short, but I think if I took one out altogether I could adjust them to better heights...but that sounds like it's defeating the purpose of getting a bookshelf, if I just have to minimize its capacity.

Any thoughts/suggestions/alternatives?

apr 8, 2011, 1:23 am

I think you need to be more specific on what you are seeing. Is this from the Cost Plus World Market chain? Perhaps you can provide a link describing the case on a web site with a photo?

I mainly see their folding bookcases which are used by many booksellers at fairs. I have 4-6 of these. They are heavy but also fairly sturdy unless they fall over when the wood can crack.

Since I have a lot of books which are 8-9 inches tall, I usually find that I need to get extra shelves for any bookcase I buy.


Redigerat: apr 8, 2011, 2:21 am

Oh sorry, I could swear I pasted the link into my post. Here it is (I also edited it into the main post):

apr 8, 2011, 2:27 am

The problem I see with the case listed in #1 is:
1. the center shelf is not moveable based the the description of 4 adjustable shelves but it shows 5 shelves come with it. They do this for sturdiness

2.Because of the cutouts on the side, I'm not sure how it would look if you placed the shelves anywhere other than how they are shown in the photo.

I've found the World Market stuff to be attractive and reasonably well built if sometimes a little pricey.

I'd say you'd have to be in a store and really look at it before you'll know if it will work for what you want.

Redigerat: apr 8, 2011, 3:36 am

I do not like backless shelves even against a a wall.

and theLatice not matching shelf positoions will spoil its appearance.

apr 8, 2011, 4:03 am

I think I agree with both of you on the cutouts looking a little bizzare if I adjust the shelves, and my books are, for the most part, too tall for the shelves if situated as is. I'll probably pass on this one. Thanks much for the input! I wouldn't have thought of the cut-out issue if you two hadn't of brought it up.

dec 23, 2013, 2:34 pm

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