Fantasy Books

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Fantasy Books

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apr 25, 2011, 3:41 pm

The Kingdom of Fantasy by Geronimo Stilton
When a young boy finds a golden staircase in his attic he is taken to The Kingdom of Fantasy. A frog name Scribblehopper takes him on a journey through kingdom. Along the way he has to try to save the Queen.

The Dragon Boy: Book One of the Star Trilogy by Donald Samson
The Dragon Boy is an orphan working in the barn where they train dragons. He meets star the emerald green dragon and trains with him for battles.
I personally love this book and met Donald Samson at the elementary school in Boulder where I completed my elementary practicum.

The Great Dragon Rescue by M. P. Robertson

This story finds George and his friend the magical dragon on a quest to save a baby dragon from a wicked witch. This book is the follow up to Robertson's previous book The Egg.