Fantasy #1

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Fantasy #1

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apr 26, 2011, 8:38 pm

Cooper, S. (1975). The grey king. New York, NY: Margaret McElderry Books.

The Grey King is a superlative work in The Dark is Rising series. Author Susan Cooper lavishes the reader with beautiful text and descriptions of the Welsh countryside that stir the imagination. In this book, Will Stanton – youngest of the Old Ones and servant of the Light, is on a quest both to find the golden harp and to avenge the dark forces of the Grey King. For readers liking fantasy, and even for those who generally do not, this book will be a refreshing read. With unforgettable characters such as Caradog Pritchard, Bran and Owen Davies, John Rowlands, as well as Will’s extended family in Wales, this is indeed a winning novel. It is, unquestionably, worthy of the Newbery Medal which it received. With unsurpassed narrative skill, Susan Cooper brings her audience to lofty heights and offers a book that will certainly charm young readers in grades 5 and higher.