Summertime Reading

DiskuteraAmerican Civil War

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Summertime Reading

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jun 18, 2011, 8:46 am

I'm 'fixin to get ready" to start Braxton Bragg...a brand new, revisionist look at the ill-fated Confederate general.

jun 18, 2011, 1:41 pm

I just started This Hallowed Ground. Bruce Catton is one of my favorite authors and so far it is very good.

jun 20, 2011, 8:37 am

Dee Brown's Morgan's Raiders

I am also trying to relocate a journal article I glanced at while researching something else. It was about the African American volunteer's who helped build the defenses south of Cincinnati. Kentucky was part of the Union but for them it was enemy territory, anyone separated from the main body could be taken by slave catchers.

aug 2, 2011, 10:10 pm

I have just started to read volume one of Shelby Foote's trilogy. A book club I belong to offered a hardcover re-issue of the series at a very good price and since it has been university days since I last looked at them now is the time to re-read them. However most of my reading was about the ante-bellem United States so that I know more of John C. Calhoun and Governor Henry Wise of Virginia that I of any figure within the Civil War proper.
Anyway, after I am finished with those I have a book titled, "The Grand Design: Strategy and the American Civil War" by Donald Stoker.