The Civil War Trilogy Box Set

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The Civil War Trilogy Box Set

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dec 4, 2011, 10:36 pm

Has anyone purchased The Civil War Trilogy Box Set with the new collection of essays about Foots and his trilogy?

I want to replace my tattered paperback editions of The Civil War: A Narrative. They've gotten to the point where I don't want to open them again. So I'm looking to replace them with something more lasting. I'm just not sure if I should drop the cash to buy these hardcovers with there price tag or go for the cheaper but older editions as a come across them. Or just skip hardcovers altogether and just buy new paper back editions.

sep 16, 2012, 9:54 am

I got the book of essays from the library. It's interesting reading, but I didn't feel it added a great deal to what I already knew about Foote, except that he considered himself a novelist, not a historian.