Mint out of print?!

DiskuteraT.E. Lawrence

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Mint out of print?!

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Redigerat: maj 24, 2007, 4:34 am

Det här meddelandet har tagits bort av dess författare.

2aschleiff Första inlägget
jun 4, 2007, 12:44 am

Hi perodictus,
as far as I know the latest print of The Mint is from Penguin Books from 1990, ISBN 978-0140181210. I think at the moment it is really out of print, but you can find a good amount of good used ones i.E. on abebook.
Hope that helps!

Redigerat: jun 20, 2007, 9:50 am

Det här meddelandet har tagits bort av dess författare.

jun 21, 2007, 9:59 am

fortunately I own a copy of The Mint in german but I am still hunting for the original version. Thanks for the Link to the online version, thats quiet interesting, especially to compare the "barrack room language" in german and english.