
DiskuteraUrban Fantasy

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apr 2, 2012, 9:22 am

I'm fairly new to Urban Fantasy and would love to touch base with other fans. I have been posting in the Fantasy groups, but some people there don't like UF. I've devoured my favorite series and would love some recomnendations for new authors. One note though, I'm way too old for YA :-)

apr 2, 2012, 9:47 am


Maybe 'hello' is not the most descriptive title for this thread. ;-)

My favorite urbans are Kelley Armstrongs Otherworld series, Kim Harrisons Hollows series, Eileen Wilks' Lupi, Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson and Alpha & Omega series and probably a few others that I can't think of now. :-)

(edit) What's wrong with the touchstones? I click "Eileen Wilks" and she turns into Tina Daniell! Magic!! O_O

apr 2, 2012, 11:17 am

I am leery of Urban Fantasy because so much Romance is hiding in it. But there are authors I do like. Jim Butcher, Neil Gaiman, Gail Carriger and Simon Green to name a few.

Who do you like to read?

apr 2, 2012, 12:43 pm

O_O Gail Carriger = urban? O_O
I would certainly put that under steampunk. Very nice and funny steampunk! :-)

I agree, the line between urban and romance can be very thin (or even nonexistent). Very annoying sometimes!

apr 6, 2012, 10:08 am

Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried out one or two short Steampunk stories available on the Nook just to see if I like them. While not that great in the technical department, the stories were good. Maybe I'll give the genre a try. I guess I'm different than most of you, I tealky like romance. I guess that's why I like the UF.

apr 8, 2012, 11:29 pm

What series have you read so far that you really liked?

If you like the romance, try Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. The first is Halfway to the Grave.

I'd also second the recommendation for Patricia Briggs. The first is Moon Called.

apr 8, 2012, 11:49 pm

My first choice is far and away Kim Harrison's "The Hollows" series (I'm especially a fan of Ivy), and I'm also fairly fond of Patricia Briggs's "Mercy Thompson" series though I've deliberately stayed away from her other books (aside from The Hob's Bargain, which was alright but didn't terribly excite me) because I really don't have time to get into more ongoing series right now.

After "The Hollows" series, though, I think my second choice would be two series by Cherie Priest. One would be her Eden Moore trilogy, and that would probably for me rank very narrowly above her currently ongoing Cheshire Red Reports series. "Eden Moore," though, is perhaps more "Southern gothic" whereas "Cheshire Red Reports" is definitely UF. Check them both out, though, and one advantage to "Eden Moore" is that it's a completed trilogy (though possibly open to revival) so you can get the whole read at once.

apr 9, 2012, 12:19 am

There is noone that is too old for YA -- this is not the YA from 20 years ago that people were growing out of. The current genre has some issues (mainly in terms of naivete from the main characters and some choices being taken away by deaths and occurrences that happen when just needed) but some of them are even better than what is called adult fiction these days.

Back to urban fantasy - do you like urban fantasy or paranormal romances? Because even if the publisher tend to make a big mess out of the two genres, they are not that hard to separate :)

And you said that you had devoured your favorite series - which ones are those? That will give us some direction to what you might like (not that you will get only "like them" recommendations but for example if you like Nightside, I can think of a few recommendations... if you like Sunny's "Monere, Children of the Moon", that sends us in another direction. And if you like both, that gives another clue :)

PS: And as you have no books in your catalog, it is hard to figure out where to start.

And just to get started, you might want to check:
Kate Daniels series starting with Magic Bites
Working for the Devil was pretty good but the series went somewhere after a while. So not sure how much I recommend the whole series.
I personally like the Maria Lima series that started with Matters of the Blood
The Dresden Files and Simon R. Green's Nightside
Tanya Huff's Blood books
Diana Rowland's series that starts with Mark of the Demon (one of those mixed ones - it is not a paranormal romance... even if the publisher decided to call it so)

That's off the top of my head...

apr 9, 2012, 8:05 am

I think Kim Wilkins' books would suit you very well. I've enjoyed all of them, starting with Grimoire but she seems most well known for The Autumn Castle and The Resurrectionists.