Online Book Groups?

DiskuteraMyPeopleConnection Book Clubs

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Online Book Groups?

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Redigerat: maj 29, 2007, 10:52 am

Hi, I was a bit surprised not to see any online book groups mentioned in the messages I read.

Do any of you belong to one? I joined one in 1992 I think on AOL and when that rifted on personalities (just as in real life groups), we formed our own and have been together since about 1994/95.

I love the online aspect because
a--far less personality stress
b--my book buddies are "there" 24/7 when I need them
c--we read a great variety of books based on nominations and voting
d--we also get to talk about scads of other subjects without wasting book time LOL

Check us out if you'd like, but I'd recommend ANY active group as a great way to go.

For a list of books we've read together as a group, see
Might give you some good ideas for your group too.

jun 5, 2007, 5:07 am

hi, BCCJillster! i'm planning to organize one and would appreciate tips (and warnings). will check out your group (and reading list). thanks!

jun 19, 2007, 9:12 am

I would be interested in joining an online book group. Please let me know when you get yours going.


jun 28, 2007, 7:55 pm

I'm in 2 clubs on Yahoo. One is reading the classics and the other is reading Pulitzer Prize winners. I enjoy both and we've read some great books.