Trapped on the Greyhound

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Trapped on the Greyhound

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jun 17, 2007, 4:04 pm

Within a six day period I spent 80 hours with this bus company. Never again, someone pass the butt massages. HOWEVER, I did get quite a bit of reading done. It was pretty tough, considering I was squashed most of the time, and the reading lights didn't work.
So I read two Anne Tyler books, and a very interesting book about an Orthodox Jew called The outside world by Tova Mirvis, and Water for Elephants:a novel and I am the Messenger which I felt did not live up to the hype.
The Water for Elephants was so excellent, I think my favorite book for this year. I have reviewed it if anyone is interested.
I am almost done with Beloved so in some ways it was a productive week, plus my divorce is now final Yeehaw!