SK's Flavors of the Month - 2013

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SK's Flavors of the Month - 2013

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jan 10, 2013, 8:56 pm

Here is the next list of books Stephen King wrote in the order they were published according to Wikipedia. For anyone new to the group, a discussion thread will be posted each month. You can read them all or pick and choose. Even if you read it after (or before) the proposed month we would still love for you to be a part of the discussion.

January: Everything’s Eventual
February: From A Buick 8
March: The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla
April: The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah
May: The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
June: The Colorado Kid
July: Cell
August: Lisey’s Story
September: Blaze by Richard Bachman
October: Duma Key
November: Just After Sunset
December: Under The Dome

Thank you LibraryLover23 for finding getting this list, and thank you to jseger for getting us going in the past.

Happy Reading!