borrowing record keeping

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borrowing record keeping

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jul 12, 2013, 8:51 pm

Hello, I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for record keeping of books borrowed from your library.

aug 1, 2013, 8:29 pm

I add a tag called "loaned" to the books I loan out. That way I can see at a glance (by clicking on my "loaned" tag) which books I have loaned out. In the private comments I put who borrowed it so I don't forget. I hope that helps!

feb 23, 2014, 2:31 pm

I just have students (grades 9-12) sign a sheet I keep on a clipboard. To get their name "off" the list, they must personally hand me the book. For adults I just add their name myself, so if I'm looking for a book or at the end of the school year, I will gently ask if they are finished with it.

maj 13, 2015, 2:23 pm

I know you replied a looong time ago... but does your system seem to flow smoothly? there is not a hassle when checking out and turning into your personal classroom library? I am about to get my first teaching position and trying to see what has worked. I have nearly 400 books and would like to keep them neat. *Laughing*