Willing to trade your Dark Ages: Fae?


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Willing to trade your Dark Ages: Fae?

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sep 1, 2006, 6:00 pm

I love Changeling: the Dreaming. it's my favorite of the oWoD core books. I am also very intrigued with the potential in Exalted: Fair Folk, though I also find it a hard title to run stories for with the players I have here. That said, I'm looking for a copy of Dark Ages: Fae because I have heard that it's a good mix between those two previous titles. If you see anything in my library you may be interested in trading a copy for, please drop me a line. I don't know if I like DA:Fae or not, so I'm not looking for somebody to trade me their "prized possession". I'd be much happier if perhaps someone has a copy he or she just doesn't care for one way or the other and sees a book I have that he or she might like more than DA:Fae. Thanks for any leads!

(originally posted in the WW group)

nov 20, 2008, 3:14 am

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