Research Catholic Group...

DiskuteraCatholic Apologetics

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Research Catholic Group...

Denna diskussion är för närvarande "vilande"—det sista inlägget är mer än 90 dagar gammalt. Du kan återstarta det genom att svara på inlägget.

okt 13, 2013, 1:08 am

Just wanted people to know that just because this group is not as active as others doesn't mean that it doesn't serve an important purpose.

The information posted here is to support Catholic readers with good resources for Catholic identity and others who are interested in learning more about the real Catholic faith can use the information here to get started learning more about the One True Faith.

God Bless+

Redigerat: okt 13, 2013, 2:31 pm

Thanks, campusdan. I think it is important to learn about the "real Catholic faith", as expressed in the tradition of the Church and the teaching of the pope and the bishops and as lived by the ordinary faithful. There are many people who apparently do not understand that.

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