Nonfiction on Kindle?

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Nonfiction on Kindle?

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feb 17, 2014, 10:41 am

I am new to the forum, new to the Kindle and newly an author and I was wondering - I know many people who read fiction books on their kindle, but how about nonfiction? What's your ratio of fiction to nonfiction, and what kinds of nonfiction books do you prefer to e-read?

feb 17, 2014, 2:14 pm

I am sure there are lots of non-fiction books available - I have a few auto/biographies, memoirs, etc and one book about the development of the railways in the USA. A problem with the latter is that it has a lot of illustrations and maps which don't come out well on my old Kindle so I read it on my iPad. I don't know if the Kindle Fire is any better for illustrations.

feb 17, 2014, 4:19 pm

Welcome to LT! I have lots of biographies on my kindle, although I do tend to read more fiction than nonfiction. Memoirs and biographies are my favorite nonfiction reading material.
By the way, you may want to have a look at this LT link:

Best wishes,
