Univ. of Notre Dame Press 2014 Overstock Sale

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Univ. of Notre Dame Press 2014 Overstock Sale

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Redigerat: jun 16, 2014, 5:43 pm

Yes, it's that time of year again: UND Press's overstock sale, where they slash pricey books to $15, $10, or $5. (Here's a link to the email announcement: http://conta.cc/1nBZZOl )

The sale catalogue is in PDF here -- each title is hyperlinked to the Press's website so you can then add it to your cart.

Use sale code NDEOVR14 at the shopping cart to receive the sale price; click "update" and the sale price will appear.

They're offering free shipping on all domestic U.S. orders (no minimum purchase required). The sale runs through July 31.