highwayman in Bruce Alexander series?

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highwayman in Bruce Alexander series?

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1gigivernon Första inlägget
aug 10, 2007, 5:08 pm


I'm wondering if someone among this well-read crowd might be able to set me straight. I remember reading a scene/story about a 18th century English highwayman setting a pamphlet writer straight about his career. Does anyone recognize this? Could it be from one of Bruce Alexander Sir John Fielding series? Is it a short story?

Thanks for any suggestions.


aug 10, 2007, 7:17 pm


You might try asking your question in the Name That Book group. People there are pretty good at identifying a story. (Plus, the more groups you ask it of, the more likely you'll find someone who knows).

nov 7, 2011, 4:39 pm

There are five books by Hannah March,from which your Highwayman might have expounded.