Simon Birch

DiskuteraMade into a Movie

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Simon Birch

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aug 10, 2007, 7:00 pm

Anyone else seen this? Its a tear-jerker of the highest order based off a Prayer for Owen Meany. The stor revolves around two preteen boys, one of whom, Simon Birch, suffers from Morquio's Syndrome, which is a type of dwarfism. They're both loners, Simon because of his deformity, who develop a close friendship with each other. I won't reveal the end other than to say that if you aren't crying you should probably be questioning your humanity.

aug 10, 2007, 9:52 pm

I've read the book and seen the movie. I've always judged movies in their own right, whether they are based on books or not and so the changes to the storyline did not cause a problem for me, but I realise that would not be the case for a lot of people. I think Ian Michael Smith did a wonderful job in his role as Simon and the movie featured a lot of well known actors, including one of my favourites, Ashley Judd. If you enjoyed this movie you might like to
try "Saint Ralph", a story about another young boy who creates his own destiny.