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1bonehead-ut Första inlägget
aug 25, 2007, 2:33 am

I love the Statistics under Your Profile and it has given me some pleasure to watch the Median/Mean values drop as I have entered books. Granted, I began with the signed books and continued to the more obscure shelves in my library to see how low I could force the values, but I really have no idea how low my values are when compared to real collectors.

If I show you mine, will you show me yours?

Library statistics
475 Number of books

462 Number of distinct works*

4/306 Median/mean book obscurity**

aug 28, 2007, 12:33 pm

2,682 Number of books

2,475 Number of distinct works*

48/516 Median/mean book obscurity


aug 29, 2007, 10:24 pm

4,595 Number of books

4,496 Number of distinct works*

2/7 Median/mean book obscurity

aug 30, 2007, 2:16 pm

1,218 Number of books

1,191 Number of distinct works*

60/495 Median/mean book obscurity**

aug 31, 2007, 12:36 pm

1,665 Number of books

1,649 Number of distinct works

63/613 Median/mean book obscurity

Well, I seem to be the least obscure here. Rudel519, your stats are astonishing - do you collect a lot of unique manuscripts or truly rare books?

aug 31, 2007, 1:46 pm

5,000 Number of books

4,914 Number of distinct works*

4/177 Median/mean book obscurity

Redigerat: aug 31, 2007, 10:50 pm

I'm just cursed by liking obscure subjects. Been collecting books lately from small Polish and German publishers. That and I've been collecting for 40 years :-)

aug 31, 2007, 11:09 pm

979 Number of books

952 Number of distinct works

31/341 Median/mean book obscurity

sep 3, 2007, 1:59 am

2,538Number of books

2,506Number of distinct works*

3/110Median/mean book obscurity**

sep 4, 2007, 6:13 pm

2,040Number of books

1,963Number of distinct works*

15/224Median/mean book obscurity**

The book obscurity count would be lower, but I collect illustrated books, and multiple copies of Alice in Wonderland (for example) illustrated by different artists probably affect the statistics noticeably. I expect the effect to become even more noticeable when I get to my multiple copies of The Hobbit and LotR!

sep 6, 2007, 8:41 pm

689 Number of books

671 Number of distinct works

16/441 Median/mean book obscurity

dec 21, 2007, 8:22 pm

1,024 Number of books

1,024 Number of distinct works

1/168 Median/mean book obscurity

To be honest: actually I am at about 10% of my library so everything may change before I'll have done.

jan 5, 2008, 8:45 am

1,146 Number of books

1,137 Number of distinct works*

5/75 Median/mean book obscurity

* that should actually be 1,138 - one of my authors was silly enough to publish two distinct works under the same title, some years apart, and I don't see how to separate them without messing up other people's catalogs.

apr 7, 2008, 7:07 pm

Mine is as follows:

1,024 Number of books
1,007 Number of distinct works*
40/466 Median/mean book obscurity**

Now, will someone please tell me what that means exactly? (no pun intended)

apr 8, 2008, 1:16 am

922 Number of books
895 Number of distinct works*
197/1,168 Median/mean book obscurity**

apr 8, 2008, 8:51 am

1,493 Number of books
1,491 Number of distinct works*
91/518 Median/mean book obscurity**

Let me see if I get this right.
Top # is total of all books listed in library.
Second # is the total of separate titles in library. I have two copies of Up Front listed, an early printing and a 50th Anniversary Edition and two copies of It Can't Happen Here a First and a paperback signed by Pete Seeger and Ralph Nader.

91, the median, half of my books are owned by more than 91 other people and half are owned by less than 91 other people.

516, the mean or average, add up all the people that own the same books that I do and divide by the number of books in my library.

My copy of Harry Potter pulls the mean (average) up but it is just one book that more than 91 people own in relation to the median.

Help me out if I screwed that up, I am not doing that well in statistics class.

apr 9, 2008, 7:25 pm

OK, so the more books I have that NO ONE else has, the lower my first number -- the median; but the more people who have each ONE of my books, like the 16000+ who own my top title, the higher my second number.
Do I have this correct??

apr 10, 2008, 8:40 am

That is about it. Now, it does not have to be books that only one person has, just very few people. I spent an hour or so over the weekend combining the works of various writers I collect so the numbers are more realistic about who really has what. For instance I have Sinclair Lewis’s “Our Mr. Wrenn” listed with its subtitle. Most people had it listed as just “Our Mr. Wrenn”. After all that work my numbers changed very little, 91/519.

apr 12, 2008, 3:08 pm

Thanks for the information.
Next dumb question -- how do you do the combining thing? I'd like mine to be really accurate and I've noticed that some which I would think LOTS of people would have have no other homes listed.
Is that something I can fix?

Redigerat: apr 12, 2008, 4:02 pm

Any member can combine or separate works (keep in mind, it's 'works', which may or may not be the same as 'books') and/or authors. There is a "Combiners!" group with many topics posted. You might want to read a bit there.

If you go to the author page for one of your books, you'll see some basic info on the sidebar about combining authors (be cautious, here). There are many authors with similar names (especially the more common 'Anglo' names), so you want to be sure you're combining author pages which are truly the works of the same author. They can be difficult to separate out once combined.

A small print link "combine/separate works", just before the list of the author's works, will take you to a page where books can be combined with the correct work, or separated from a work. Again, be cautious at first. There's a lot of gray area here, such as - is "The Annotated Huckleberry Finn" the same work as "Huckleberry Finn"?. If you can determine the ISBN of two books, you can have more confidence (though not certainty) about combining them. Notice the "?" button next to the combining link. I'd click that and read this wiki-thing page about combining before doing any.

I had to do a lot of undoing after I jumped into combining without reading a bit first. And remember, combining is to connect people who own the same works. As Tim Spalding has said, regarding editions and versions of a work, if two people at a coctail party would find a lot in common because they've each read this work (though different versions), then they are good combining candidates. If, as might be the case of an edition with extensive academic annotations, commentary, etc., versus the everyman's edition, the two persons at the party find little in common due to reading this work (one academic vs one reading for fun), then perhaps they should be left separate.

Also, once you do a little book combining, you may reconsider how you enter book titles so that it's clear what work your book belongs with.

Got a little wordy, but I hope this helps,


apr 13, 2008, 5:21 pm

Oh, thank you, Os.
I did find the Combiners page after I wrote the last post and especially with your reply, I think I'll be very cautious!
Even though I have not finished entering my library, I have gone back and found inconsistencies in my tagging and have addressed that. Perhaps that is where I should stop for now.
Thanks, again.

apr 14, 2008, 2:14 pm

928 Number of books
922 Number of distinct works*
80/522 Median/mean book obscurity**

19 different people have the only other copy of a book which I have.
I have 48 books which nobody else has. (This requires hand-counting.)

apr 14, 2008, 2:42 pm

3,038 Number of books
2,889 Number of distinct works*
4/622 Median/mean book obscurity**

sep 12, 2009, 1:50 am

I've input 443 books. So far, I've only done my astronomy/space related reference section and my vintage books (pre-1961)

I have an awesome 2/128!

I'll save Harry Potter for last :)

Redigerat: sep 13, 2009, 3:32 am

985 Number of books
967 Number of distinct works*
149/781 Median/mean book obscurity**

Ouch :) I think I have the second highest numbers here so far. I obviously need to start entering some of my more obscure books.

sep 13, 2009, 1:44 am


3,104 Number of books
2,862 Number of distinct works
118/1,104 Median/mean book obscurity


sep 13, 2009, 9:35 am

2,530 Number of books
2,485 Number of distinct works
30/441 Median/mean book obscurity

This may be a bit skewed now that I have a handful of wishlist items included, but I'm surprised how our library compares considering we have all of Harry Potter and a lot of popular science fiction, too. Quite a few more boxes of books remain to be cataloged, however.

I've got over 200 books tagged "ultb" (unique Library Thing book), which is a suggestion from, the Unique Library Thing Book Group. A few of mine show 2 copies because they are cross-cataloged in my husband's account, but it's only one book.

sep 13, 2009, 10:04 am

7,432 Number of books
7,194 Number of distinct works*
74/583 Median/mean book obscurity**

In addition to collecting some more obscure SF, I have lots of very popular kids stuff in my library because of my new kid, and lots of all kinds of other stuff. I'd love to see these numbers "collection-ivized".

sep 13, 2009, 10:43 pm

"I'd love to see these numbers "collection-ivized"."

OOooooo. Here, here!

sep 14, 2009, 12:26 pm

I've only started in the reference section so far so there are a few thousand more to go.

732 number of books
698 Distinct works


sep 14, 2009, 12:48 pm

2,366 Number of books
2,353 Number of distinct works*
12/792 Median/mean book obscurity**

I have 9 of the top ten most common books, quite a disparity.