Thieves of Greatness

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Thieves of Greatness

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aug 9, 2015, 6:28 am

This book has very nice cover, I enjoy it a lot, as it gives a true picture of the story! Nice.
The story starts very promising and then by the middle it is becoming ok to read, there are ups and falls whenever the main character Elizabeth faces challenges. Elisabeth is a teenager girl who has to grow up without her mum and she is angry to everyone who tries to offend her because of her origin. She has a father but only officially as she do not feel anyhow related to him and has very formal relationship if someone can describe it like that. Shes becoming a teenager who values her opinion the most and can be pain to others, at the same time she face difficulties and distant love from her nanny; She believes her life is boring until one day...When she starts to notice things only she can see and tries very hard to ignore them thinking shes hallucinating and impossible is not possible... In the book her character changes from the influence of story time-line and all the exciting and dangerous journeys.

I find the book suitable for young readers and young adults!