Books and uploading


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Books and uploading

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okt 14, 2015, 9:32 pm

First of all, how do you upload images?! It's been driving me crazy all afternoon. I also think we should read some sci-fi books. It's almost Halloween too. I'm going to be Athena. What are you going to be? Post it. IF YOU DARE!

Redigerat: okt 15, 2015, 1:57 am

In talk you enter images by putting a URL into

(IMG SRC=____________) Except with angled brackets instead of parentheses. If the image is already online somewhere you can use that URL. Otherwise go to your profile and upload to your member gallery. Note: The picture has to be actually in the right orientation. LT will not rotate it. Many photo apps only virtually rotate the picture, but LT doesn't recognize that.