TBSL Sources

DiskuteraTattered but still lovely

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TBSL Sources

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nov 10, 2015, 8:10 am

Here's a yummy site in the UK:


FYI: not all the books available are children's books.

One pound is about 1.5 usd, but a conversion tool for prices is here:



nov 10, 2015, 8:47 am

I've ordered from this site before and been pleased with the service. You do have to follow the instructions quite carefully as the two catalogues are completely separate and Sally can't send a book from Betula's list, for example, but I enjoy knowing I'm supporting someone's very small business.

feb 4, 2019, 5:13 pm

Researching a Grace S. Richmond title today, I discovered this place, physically located just a couple of hours from me in Ohio:


They have a book site as well, but I found some TBSL titles on the ephemera side.

There is a Temple Bailey Christmas book that I hadn't heard of before :
