Shared Books

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Shared Books

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sep 29, 2007, 7:32 am

I find it rather fascinating that when you look at our "shared titles" includes both Connelly volumes and Noe's Perryville. So we like the Army of Tennessee? That Franco-Prussian War would top the list is also interesting. Macksey's AFRIKA KORPS is an old stand-by of course. I was particularly surprised to see Cozzens' IUKA in the group, it's a little known portion of the American Civil War (I had a relative there), surprising to see our like-minded book choices.

okt 3, 2007, 10:24 am

I find it surprising to see the The Thirty Years War by C. V. Wedgwood among the top of the shared books. I just recently bought a copy and I would consider it rather obscure. I would think that something by Barbara Tuchman or David McCullough would be in the list.

okt 12, 2007, 7:09 pm

I enjoyed Wawro's Franco-Prussian so much I bought his Austro-Prussian volume.