misprint in old pelican

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misprint in old pelican

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dec 30, 2015, 7:25 pm

I recently picked up Film Makers on Film Making: Statements on Their Art by Thirty Directors, which btw is a fantastic book, and everything I love about Pelicans, but I've realised that this copy is missing he first 33 pages. The book starts with page 273-303, and then continues with page 34. Pages 273-303 then reappear at the end of the book in their proper place.

Does anyone else have this book, and if so, is it also missing the first section?

dec 30, 2015, 8:15 pm

That's an old film makers trick; start part way through the story and then resort to flashbacks. ;)

dec 30, 2015, 10:06 pm

I guess the burden of proofing was too much; these things happen (pri)in(t) media res.
Still, it'd be nice to know what I'm missing!