10 books for £5

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10 books for £5

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Redigerat: jan 15, 2016, 8:04 am

Yesterday I had my first visit to a charity shop this year. Had been looking forward to it very much and didn't come away disappointed!
Earthly Joys by Philippa Gregory
On Green Dolphin Street by Sebastian Faulks
The People Next Door by Christopher Ransom
The Gift by Alison Croggon
The Riddle by Alison Croggon (This book is in new condition)
River of Destiny by Barbara Erskine (Book is in new condition)
House of the Lost by Sarah Payne (This book is in excellent condition)
English Passengers by Matthew Kneale
Genesis by Karin Slaughter
No Man's Island by Susan Sallis

The only down side to this 'haul' is that this morning I was carrying the books through the house from my office to the livingroom to list them on here and somehow I managed to pull a muscle behind my right shoulder. There must be a trapped nerve there too as I have limited feeling in my right hand.
Oh well, I got some good books. I don't mind paying the price lol.

Would love to know if any of you have read any of these books, especially The Gift and The Riddle. Not my normal genre but I'm trying to be a bit more adventurous in my reading.
On my third book already this year so ahead of my reading schedule.

jan 15, 2016, 8:10 am

I've always heard very good things about Sebastian Faulks' books, but I've never read any. So little time, I can hear the clock ticking!!!

jan 15, 2016, 8:30 am

Nope not read any, never even heard of a lot of these authors! :P