pamelad's books off the shelf 2016

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pamelad's books off the shelf 2016

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maj 27, 2016, 11:23 pm

I've been missing in action since 2012. Time slips away! In 2013 I moved house, so I sold or gave away some of the books I thought I'd never read. Now I'm making my way through the remaining 60. So far this year I've read four from the shelf: Quicksand by Junichuro Taniziki; Proust's Overcoat by Lorenza Foschini; One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzheitsyn; Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal.

I'm currently reading The Pea-pickers by Eve Langley.

maj 27, 2016, 11:24 pm

Duplicate thread. Please ignore.