Book Discussion on Capitalism

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Book Discussion on Capitalism

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Redigerat: okt 29, 2007, 1:08 pm

I am going to being reading Theory of Capitalist Development by Paul M. Sweezy and I was wondeirng if anyone would like to join me in reading it. I am just looking for a person or more to help set some bench marks on what will be read by when, and be able to talk about what we have read. I am assuming I will have questions as I read so it would be good to work through the text with someone else.

2MUSEANDTHINKER Första inlägget
nov 11, 2007, 7:12 pm

As a matter of fact I was about to start reading it. So rather timely!


Redigerat: nov 11, 2007, 9:39 pm

sounds great. I am going to start on Part I. I'll have thoughts and questions up by November 25, but stay close in case I get confused about something else.

Part I: Value and Surplus Value
I. Marx's Method
II. The Qualitative-Value Problem
III. The Quantitative-Value Problem
IV. Surplus Value and Capitalism

nov 11, 2007, 9:38 pm

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