Books by the Presidents

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Books by the Presidents

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sep 3, 2016, 11:06 am

A Nation of Immigrants by John F. Kennedy

Because of the world's current refugee problems, I wanted to get into what has gone on in the USA with respect to this subject.
This book is a potted history of little depth but with relevant information for anyone interested in the 2016, sound bite, election coverage that our estimable mainstream media thinks is all we are entitled to receive through them on this subject. More reading is indicated and there is a useful bibliography included which requires my attention.
The photographs included are telling as are the quotes Mr. Kennedy included, this 1834 one in particular: "If you wish to see our whole family living in ..... a country where freedom of speech obtains, where no spies are eavesdropping, where no simpletons criticize your every word and seek to detect therein a venom that might endanger the life of the state, the church and the home, then come here." This jumped out at me because, although the times are different, I believe I detect simpletons in our midst.

sep 7, 2016, 3:30 pm

Interesting thread but I have to get through my presidential biographies first, then I plan to read on the First Ladies.