Wondering about frequency of reviews

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Wondering about frequency of reviews

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nov 24, 2016, 1:48 am

Hello all!

Firstly, this is in no way a complaint, merely a query. LibraryThing and the member giveaway program are great ideas and I have no issue with the terms.

I was wondering if any authors are on this group and how often they receive reviews for the books they give away. I held a giveaway a while ago now and have not received a single review for the books I sent! Whether this means it wasn't well-received, wasn't read, or otherwise I don't know and wanted to hear other's thoughts and experiences.

Thank you, and I hope this thread is taken in the spirit it is meant!


nov 24, 2016, 10:28 am

MG is known for poor frequency of fulfillment, both of books and of reviews.

nov 24, 2016, 9:05 pm

Is that so? Still, it's a good idea. Thanks for the information!

jun 25, 2017, 4:20 pm

I am a reader and I always post reviews. I feel it is not only an obligation, but also a way of thanking for a book you got free.
And I discoverd I like doing reviews. I will look at your books Luke and see if I think I would like them enough to ask for a copy. (Matter of a taste in books)

mar 18, 2018, 3:27 pm

I recently received three books from giveaways. It's taking me a little while longer than expected to get around to them but I will definitely be posting reviews. I agree with Corrie57 in that I think it's kind of an obligation. If you get a free book the least you can do is say what you think about it. If you're not fond of it but feel bad posting a bad review then maybe just write it for the author? Any bad reviews I write I do so not to drag the author down but in an effort to help, constructive criticism.

Giving our books away is always a risk but so is publishing period. A bad review doesn't mean give up, it just means keep working. So hopefully more people fulfill their ends of the giveaway program because it's a great opportunity to find new authors and to get much needed feedback no matter what that means.

Redigerat: mar 18, 2018, 11:01 pm

>5 eLPy:

If you're not fond of it but feel bad posting a bad review then maybe just write it for the author?

Reviews are not written for the author. They are written for other readers, and should therefore be an honest assessment of the work. If it's a bad book, you have an obligation to those readers to say so (always, of course, giving reasons for your opinion).