William Styron

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William Styron

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Redigerat: dec 21, 2016, 3:26 am

Here's hoping the folks at Library of America are seriously considering adding at least one volume of novels by William Styron. If so, the perfect three choices, in my humble, would be:


The 1980 novel SOPHIE'S CHOICE remains his masterpiece, I think, with "NAT TURNER" close on its heels, and his first novel a beautiful showcase of things to come.

Although, in truth, I suspect that his entire oeuvre could be published in two volumes, since he published only one other novel -- SET THIS HOUSE ON FIRE. The rest of his fiction was either in novella form (THE LONG MARCH), or a few short stories, and bits and pieces of a long-gestating (but never completed) final novel (THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR). Plus, "In the Clap Shack", a play that was published in book form, too. And the majority of his non-fiction -- essays and reviews -- was recently collected MY GENERATION. But his masterpiece in THAT area, DARKNESS VISIBLE, would likely be worth consideration, since it is (justifiably so) highly esteemed.

Anyway: Here's a vote for William Styron, one of the Sons O' the South who doesn't get as much press as Truman Capote and Thomas Wolfe (that's the talented, REAL writer with that last name). But he should. Especially for SOPHIE'S CHOICE.

dec 21, 2016, 9:16 am

Agree that Darkness Visible is an achievement, I've heard of many of the other Styron titles mentioned but thus far have only read that memoir & meditation on melancholy.

dec 21, 2016, 12:46 pm

>1 Truett: I have read most of his writings and I agree.

dec 21, 2016, 1:42 pm

In the previous version of the LOA website, there was a section listing authors for whom support was sought. Among them was William Styron. So, I have always assumed he will appear. It may be that permissions are needed, or editing, or funding, or something else, before any volume(s) devoted to his works actually appear. Perhaps David can update us.

jan 26, 2017, 7:06 pm

elenchus--pick up SOPHIE'S CHOICE, first. You'll warm to it more quickly. THEN, check out the earlier two books, mentioned above, in my list of three essential novels (the memoir, short as it is, could be included in such a collection with no sweat, space-wise).

okt 25, 2017, 5:39 pm

DCLOYCE SMITH: When mentioning some favourite authors in a couple of asides in the "Future Volumes" thread (I'll keep that to a minimum in the future -- don't want to get off subject too often), I remembered that I hadn't mentioned William Styron.

And that you never weighed in on the subject (at least not on this thread -- if you did so elsewhere and I missed or forgot it, apologies).

Has William Styron's name ever been tossed into the ring, or come up in discussions when authors are discussed for possible inclusion? He definitely fits the age category (unlike Irving or Tyler or a few other personal favorites). And, as mentioned above, his body of work is small enough that one or two (at most) volumes would cover his brilliant fiction and non-fiction.

mar 22, 2018, 4:37 am

My turn for a "bump" (tip o' the hat to Podras): Any chance for a Styron collection? Any interest amongst Those With Influence in halls of LOA? With such small, but significant, output, perhaps the copyright arrangements would be simplified.

mar 22, 2018, 11:24 pm

>7 Truett:

A proposal for a Styron edition has been under (more or less) active consideration for several years, but it's somewhat dormant at the moment, pending movement on a number of factors, including rights issues.


mar 24, 2018, 5:50 pm

News that Those In Power have been actively working on/discussing a Styron volume is good news, indeed. Thanks, David.