Stephenie Meyer vampire novels

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Stephenie Meyer vampire novels

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nov 28, 2007, 5:32 pm

Ok, they supposedly are for YA, but I have ripped right through all three of them in about a week, and they are over 500pages each. So I am running on caffeine, but these books were worth it. I can't wait for the next one. I might have to race my 13 year old to the book store to get it first.

jan 25, 2008, 10:38 am

I read a lot of young adult novels, but typically stear clear of anything having to do with vampires. So many people recommended these books to me, I finally checked Twilight out from the library. I am so glad I did! I could not put it down and soon after picked up the next two. I've heard she's working on the fourth installment, and I will be picking that one up as soon as it's hot off the presses!