Africa - where are western Christians when we need them?


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Africa - where are western Christians when we need them?

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feb 20, 2017, 12:30 pm

feb 21, 2017, 6:43 am

Sitting around arguing about abortion (Catholics) or homosexuality (Anglicans). Fending off accusations of imperialism, or attempts by African prelates to split the Church of England. Trying to engage with Syrian migrants. Our local church is twinned with a parish in Palestine. In the news this week: famine in south Sudan caused mainly by conflict (not apparently related to oppression of Christians) and homophobic oppression in Tanzania (is the church there standing up for Old Testament values?).

Redigerat: feb 21, 2017, 9:05 am

Some of these 450,000 children are Christian, I assume?

...Famine has been ongoing since last year in parts of northeastern Nigeria, where the government is fighting the militant group Boko Haram. The number of children with severe acute malnutrition is expected to reach 450,000 this year, UNICEF said...


How Boko Haram Sparked A Food Crisis

(March 2016) Right now the agency is providing families with fortified food and e-vouchers where markets are still functioning. WFP is also working to protect the most vulnerable groups–pregnant women and young children–from malnutrition by scaling up its nutrition prevention efforts.